Homework on Lara Buchak, When is faith rational?
All answers must be in your own words. No handwritten homework will be accepted.
1. Give an example of a pretty normal act that, on Buchak's definition, counts as an act of faith. This cannot be an example discussed in the reading. Explain what claim it is that the person has faith in when they act. Say why it counts as faith, on Buchak's definition. (2pts)
2. Why, according to Buchak, does faith not have to involve epistemically unjustified beliefs? (1-2 sentences) (1pt)
b. How, according to Buchak, can acting on faith sometimes be irrational? (1-2 sentences) (1pt)
3. Why, according to Buchak, is faith an important part of a good life? (2-4 sentences) (2pts)
4. Do you think that Buchak would say it is ever rational to have faith in a scientific claim, or in a political claim (choose one)? Why or why not? (2pts)
5. Does Buchak's view of what faith is fully capture what you consider faith? Why or why not? (2pts)